Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!!

What a beautiful morning! Every time you can wake to see another day, it is a beautiful morning. When was the last time you greeted the morning like a long lost friend? When was the last time you greeted a new day with joy and happiness? I know we all get down and life can be quite cruel at times, but each day is a blessing on your life and you are a blessing to the world.

Try this: lie in bed a few minutes before you get up. As you lie in bed, inhale and exhale a few times to get rid of last night's residue. Then stretch from your toes to your neck. Feel each movement; relish each stretch. Breathe deeply a few more times--in through your nose and out through your mouth. Relax and listen--to your breathing, your heartbeat, your lover's movements... Soak in the beauty of morning and then get up to greet your day. I can't promise that a good attitude upon waking will make your day go well, but good energy is always good for your soul.

What a beautiful morning...


  1. That was a very positive deposit in the bank of my soul, Thanks. We are supposed to lift one another up, not act like a bunch of crabs in a barrel using the weaknesses of others to gain, while we provoke more suffering on them. It makes the sun shine much more brighter when you know that there are people who give freely, without condition. I wish you all the blessings that heaven can give.

  2. That is such a beautiful sentiment!! I appreciate your kinds words and I look forward to hearing more from you. You should post everything from "We are..." to "...without condition." as your FB stat. Somebody needs to hear that word today!!!!


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