Friday, March 11, 2016

Walking Whales and Other Mythical Creatures

So, I know you are reading this post and you think I have lost my mind. Walking whales??? Um… please tell me you are not serious…You are straight trippin’ sis… I know. I can hear y’all now, but bear with me. Pull up a seat and listen. I promise it will all come together…

In life, we sometimes get caught up in wanting people to submit to our will. We see something in them that we deem needs fixing and we expect them to do what we want, when we want it. We expect them to bend to our request no matter what they have going on in their own lives. We hold our expectations over their heads and get upset when they don’t get with the program, so to speak. We may nag, cajole, gloat, and/or condemn all in the name of “so-called” betterment. We lull ourselves into a false sense of “know it all/fix it all” – ness and truly believe we know what’s best for others.

Or we are in a relationship with someone who is “difficult.” This relationship can be platonic or romantic; professional or familial…it doesn’t even matter. But what does matter is that we are emotionally invested in how this other person may behave. Their actions directly impact ours and we are not comfortable with the way that he or she “is.” We get ourselves worked up every time this person does thing A or thing B; we get beside ourselves with every unpleasant emotion one could muster up. We contort ourselves into emotional knots trying to get them to “get it together.” But the funny thing is, this person’s actions are controlling us (intentionally or unintentionally). We are all out of control trying to be in control. They are busy being them, but we want them to be who we want them to be.

That my dear, is trying to make a whale walk. When we involve ourselves in negative self-talk that tells us that we have the right to control someone else’s actions, we want something that goes against everything that we have been shown. People will show you how they are. Time and time again. But even the best of us wants something different than we are shown, particularly if we believe we deserve better. That the person should be better. That they should just listen to us. That, that, that… It doesn’t matter what YOU want. Trust and believe. People are going to people (yes, people is a verb… go with it). Your role in this isn’t to change someone else’s behaviors, but to change your expectations.

When you want the whale to walk, you are expecting something that goes against nature. You want something that is virtually impossible to happen simply because you want it. When you want the whale to walk, you suggest that your desire overrides the natural order of a thing’s existence. You can yell, you can scream, you can beg, you can cry… but guess what? The only walking whales are make-believe.

In order to free yourself from a murky entanglement, you must accept that certain people are going to do what they always do. Certain people are going to do what that have always done. Sure, people change and that is great. But I’m not talking about those people. I’m talking about the ones who are on a path that is truly their own. Good, bad, or indifferent. It doesn’t matter. People have the right to people.

At the end of the day, the path that you are on is one that is based on your actions. You must make a conscious decision to live your best life. To be aware of people and their actions, but not give up your control. You own you. You control you. Once you give up your power, all is lost. So my advice to you is to accept things how they are. Understand what they may be. But never ever convince yourself that your desires are more important to other people than their own reality. Peace.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sister...You Have Been On My Mind...

Admit it... how many of you got nostalgic when you saw that title? Your thoughts immediately went to Shug Avery singing to Celie in The Color Purple? You started humming the famous opening notes and started thinking about the beauty of the song that celebrated sisterhood?

I get it. That's my go to song when I think about Black womanhood and its intersection with Black women's sisterhood. Truthfully, it is solid  enough to stand as the anthem for all women and their thoughts about sisterhood. Seriously. How many times have you had a woman you consider a sister on your mind? Maybe you knew she was going through something and her energy permeated your spirit? Or maybe you didn't know, but something came over you; you had to stop everything you were doing and reach out to her... *hums*... sister, you've been on my mind...

Sometimes, life can be rough. Real rough. You go through so many different things that stretch you beyond your own understanding of yourself. You feel like giving up and just as you want to give in, your sister (sista, sistuh, sistafriend, sistacuzzinkinfolk...) throws you a lifeline and BAM! just like that, you are ready to take another breath, another step. To make a proverbial way out of no way. *hums*...sister, you've been on my mind...

Today, I'm encouraging you to find another sister. To hold on to her and let her know that you have her back. Let her know that she has value. That her worth can be found in her self. And let her know that she is something special, too. Because you are not just your sister's keeper, you are your sister.

Peace be the journey on the way to greater understanding between sisters. In this continued development of this space, I want to challenge women to live the lives that are meant for us. To live a more amplified existence that celebrates our individuality while promoting our connections. Long live the sisterhood. Long live us.

Miss Celie's Blues
Courtesy of YouTube
No copyright infringement intended... just a fan

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

I'm Back and It's a Beautiful Thing!

Greetings, Beautiful People:

It's been a long time!! I missed you-- each and every one of y'all. Well, maybe not all of y'all, but for sure most of all. So, yeah. I'm back. It has been a beautifully ugly past few years, but I am back in the saddle. Or maybe, I have at least purchased a saddle. I'm ready to jump back in with the Soulstainable Living movement. Go on, tell your friends. Consult the town crier. Let everybody know...I am back. And I'm looking forward to having you back with me.

Thank you for being patient. It's been a sho' 'nuff too long time!