Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Flirt--Let's Start a Love Movement

I'm gonna start a love movement y'all. Seriously...far too many of us are missing romantic love in our lives. A couple of weeks back, I mentioned how we have forgotten about the art of seduction and the thrill of anticipation. When was the last time you were courted? When was the last time you went on a date with your spouse, significant other or a new prospect? When was the last time you put on all of your smell goods and a nice outfit to enjoy the company of your lover? When was the last time you felt truly beautiful (men, too) or sexy even?

I must confess that I'm guilty of ignoring the more sensual side of my nature. Family, work and other responsibilities have caused me to be distracted and neglect an essential part of my life: romance. Unfortunately, this is the first thing that often suffers when one's schedule is too tight. Recognizing this, I am trying to put more romance back into my life.

In that spirit, I introduce to you a new section called "Friday Flirts." It will usually feature a love song or a love poem to help you jump start your weekend eros. As I move forward in the quest to bring love back, I will seek to identify how we move in our love relationships. The first attempt to work towards love can be found in the following Anthony Hamilton song "Float." Hamilton's velvet vocals caress the notes and bring to mind a night of passion...Enjoy!


  1. I totally agree we all need to get the romance back into our relationships! This falls on both sides. Ladies we made sure we were on our A game when we were trying to catch his eye. Once we have it, we can't drop the ball. Yes we become moms and become very busy, but let's not forget the man! Every once and awhile let's remind him of how we have it still!
    Fellas you are just as guilty. Remember how you pulled out all your tricks to get her? Well pull one out every now and then to keep her!!
    We have started redating this past year and it is refreshing!!! It has been afternoon walks, dinner and a movie, slurpies and a swing in the park. Very simple stuff!!!!

  2. Sabrina,

    You are so correct!! We always had date nights that were never rescheduled. Even after we had all the kids. But somehow, we have forgotten about us and what made us stay connected. We are back on the date tip because it's so needed.

    Everything you said is so true and necessary! And you are so right that it shouldn't have to be a lot or only on the man. I posted this because I need a public reminder to stay on my A game. *virtual high five*

  3. love this blog Tokeya! Courting? what is that?
    It's the little things and they don't cost alot.. send a card by mail, leave a sexy voice mail message, an overnight out of the house...

    now I understand where your thoughts for the message you sent me came from! Let's get it started!

  4. I love that I got two different Sabrinas commenting on this post!!!

    @ Sabrina2: Thank you and we are definitely gonna get together and get it started. I can't wait until Epiphany and Soulstainable put this event on!!!

  5. The courting thing sure does make a differance in a relationship, I think it is wonderful for a woman to think of her man and those special moments and a man to think of his woman likewise.

  6. @ ljones311: Courting is a wonderful thing!! And I agree that both parties are responsible for handling special moments :-)


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