Monday, August 16, 2010

Living Your Life...

Too many of us toil away at our daily chores without stopping to enjoy the little things. We work to pay bills and to buy more things, but how many of us really enjoy the lives we've created for ourselves? If you could get a redo, what would you change about your choices? Would you do anything differently? Would you change the things you value and the people you've given your heart to? Although you can't go back in time to correct any of the missteps you might have taken, trust that each new day offers a chance for a do over.

Have you always wanted to go back to school, but were too afraid? Wanted to change careers, but your loved ones told you that you were crazy? Have you ever wanted to step outside of how people know you to be, but worried what they would think? Now is the time to reclaim your right to be satisfied and ignore the naysayers.

Each morning, you can reevaluate the path that your life can take. If there is something inside of you that yearns for another experience, what are you doing to speak to that longing? I don't mean making foolish decisions without regard to their implications; I'm speaking to diligent planning and purposeful action. This can lead you to the life you want; not just the one you have.

As you move forward in your life and look to the next chapters, I wish that you can unlock the secret that will lead you to your golden existence. Living your life like it's golden doesn't mean living a life that is perfect. It means simply carving out a life that is perfect FOR YOU. Of course you're going to have to make compromises and sacrifices, but what you compromise or sacrifice should be on your terms. You deserve happiness, joy and a golden existence...Peace.

Jill Scott "Golden"


  1. Mind provoking as usuall. What would I change in my past? Nothing. Things may have not been perfect or the way I thought, but I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. Even our trials and tribulations. We gain strength from going through these things. Hopefully wisdom as well, so that we don't make the same mistakes.
    Earlier this summer my family was thrown a curveball that really made us reevaluate our lives. Were we really happy with our lives or just going through the day to day? We came to the conclusion that some of us were happy but not the entire family. That being said we had to actively choose to make changes!!!! This way all in the household could as you said have "joy, happiness, and a golden existence"
    Thank you my Sister for the positivity you spread! Love Ya.

  2. Hey Sis,

    First, let me say THANK YOU for supporting my blog and giving me a kind word. :-) I can definitely understand going through the fire--we've had a trying year in our house as well. I need to believe that each day, I can get another chance to do better, to be better...I am constantly trying to better myself and the world around me.

    I am so glad that your family came out of the valley and I am a testimony to the power of a cohesive unit. Love you back and thanks for sharing your journey.


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