Friday, December 24, 2010

Hang All the Mistletoe

I am blessed to come from a family who celebrates My grandmother always made sure that we had a good time whether it was a family barbeque for the Fourth of July (her birthday) to a turkey and dressing filled Thanksgiving. We ate, laughed and had a good ole time. Christmas was particularly festive: we had stockings, decorations, a beautiful tree and a blow up Santa and all the reindeer (my grandma was and still is da' queen of holiday decorating). Our house was the spot and yup, we ate, laughed and had a good ole time.

And you know what? We still do!! Despite all of our stuff, we still hang out together for all the holidays. It's never about the gifts, it's always been about the family. I love my family, with every fiber of my being, with everything I have. I love the spirit of the season and I am blessed to be surrounded by people I love and who love me back. From my family to yours, Happy Holidays!! And to get the party started, here are a few of my must have Christmas tunes:

"Every Year Every Christmas" by Luther Vandross

"My Favorite Things" by The Supremes

"Santa Claus Go Straight to the Ghetto" by James Brown

"Silent Night" by The Temptations

"This Christmas" by Donny Hathaway

"I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" by The Jackson Five

"Please Come Home For Christmas" by Charles Brown

1 comment:

  1. Um...I'm going to need your family to adopt me.

    That is all.



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