Monday, June 28, 2010

What is Soulstainable Living?

Welcome to my first post on this blog. What is Soulstainable Living? In these economically and environmentally challenging times, we are all encouraged to practice sustainable living so we can reduce our harmful effects on the environment. Well, Soulstainable Living embodies that same philosophy but focuses more on people. Being your best self, living your most authentic life so you can reduce the toxins that you deposit on your soul--that's Soulstainable Living.

How many of us are living unfulfilled lives full of "I wish I could have" and "I should have" moments? Well, surprisingly, I'm not. I'm living a life of satisfaction and I want to share that with you. Is my life perfect *station break while I laugh hysterically*, um NO, it isn't. BUT, I have found the secret to my personal brand of happiness. And I want to share that with you. I am not sure if this will be a parenting blog, a political blog, a literary blog or what. However, I do know that it will be a PERSONAL blog. I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but as I see it *excuse this interruption, but you know there is gonna be some foolishness jumping off.* Basically, this is my blog and my opinions are not attached to my job or any outside associations I may have. I OWN these words and they are mine alone.

Soulstainable Living--come in and look around. I hope you enjoy what you read, but if you don't--shut the heck up and leave; don't pollute my space with your toxic energy. Ohm! Oh yeah, please and thank you.

I look forward to getting to know you and having you get to know me through these posts. Please be patient  as I learn to navigate the blog waters. I'm just sticking my big toe in to see if the sharks are out.



  1. I trust, I will enjoy following you Mrs. Tokeya :)

  2. You will!!! I just have to figure out how to change the time zone...

  3. I love your blog. After giving it a cursory glance I just had to become a member!!!
    Your #1 FAN (and ELDEST SON)
    KIRK :)


I welcome thoughtful and thought provoking comments. This space is designed for enrichment.

House Rules: Please don't act like a donkey in my comment box. If you want to argue, take it to the family picnic; I don't want folks to feel threatened while trying to express their opinions. That is all.