Monday, March 14, 2011

Channeling Dr. Doolittle or Dealing With Donkeys

Ok, so before you think I have lost my mind, let me tell you who I define as "donkeys."* Donkeys (no offense to the beast of burden) are difficult people who make your life miserable for no reason AT. ALL. In other words, they're jack@sses.

No matter who you are, even the most non-judgmental of us have had to deal with so-called Donkeys. They're everywhere: at home, at school, in the workplace, at church and in the department store parking lot (to name a few areas). Their sole purpose is to permeate the air with negative energy and bad vibes. They are harbingers of doom and signal that some terrible stuff is about to go down whenever they come around. I'm serious: you've seen them, sitting somewhere looking sour, faces all screwed up, just terrible...Now, it's not my mission in life to change people (hey, you can't help folks who don't want to be helped), but I can't take the Donkeys. Fareal. Fareal.

Riddle me this: if you are miserable and unhappy within yourself, why can't you keep that to yourself? Seriously. Because Donkeys are known to be otherwise stingy with their stuff (material things, good energy), why can't they keep their att-i-tudes to themselves? I guess that sounds too much like right. Why be miserable by yourself when you can darken someone else's day? (Insert side eye and raised eyebrow here). I guess it's our own fault though. We are becoming a society that celebrates cat fights, rude behavior and adult tantrums. Why be a civilized society when we can scream, shout, bellow or yell and have that substitute for communication? Geesh, Donkeys are taking over the world.

Now as this post is about dealing with Donkeys, I should probably give you a couple of tips on how to actually deal with them:

1) My top way to deal with Donkeys is DON'T. If you can help it, avoid them at all costs. If not, they will be like the dementors in Harry Potter--they will drain your souls. So if you don't have to share air with them, keep it moving. Trust me. You're better off.

Unfortunately, there are times that you have to deal with Donkeys (see above situations), so here are some ways to handle them:

1) If you have to deal with Donkeys (like at work or for a special project), try to limit the amount of time you actually have to talk to them. When you have to talk to them, be sure that you keep it focused on the task at hand. The minute the Donkey starts to stray off topic, get him/her back on track. You don't want to encourage negative conversation, malicious gossip or plain old grumbling. Don't get sucked into becoming a member of Donkeyville because some Donkeys are charming. Before you know it, you're griping and complaining, too.

2) Tell yourself, "it's them, not me." If you have to deal with someone who always sees the bad side of things, it's them. No matter how compelling the arguments are, negative people always see the worst in things. Their rose colored glasses focus on the thorns. Don't let their visions cloud your perspective. That's just their perspectives, don't let it become yours.

After you deal with Donkeys, you probably should hug a child, follow a rainbow, pat a fluffy dog, rock in a corner (you might be traumatized, ok?)...Whatever you do, be sure to purge their negative energy to remove it from your space. Negative people are toxic. Negative energy is toxic. Run!!! You don't want to get any of that on you. You might not be able to control what people do, but you can control what you allow to reside in your spirit. Negative people are draining; they exhaust the universe with their perpetual output of venom. If you are the person that I speak of, go get some counseling. Fareal. Get that mess fixed. Stop being a super toddler and get your tantrums in check! Seriously. It ain't cute and someone should have told you about that. Stop living your life at half empty; the world is much better enjoyed half full (even when it's shaken and/or stirred).

But for the rest of us who aren't Donkeys, protect yourself when interacting with them. Remember: no matter who you have to deal with, be sure that you live a life of abundance. Recognize that there is joy in every breath and purpose in every action. Peace.

*Name calling isn't nice, but the truth is the truth. Some folks are just plain ole nasty. And calling them Donkeys is nicer than some things they can be called.

Bob Marley "Three Little Birds"

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