Sunday, November 14, 2010

Something Like a Circle of Sisters

Sister, you've been on my mind,
Sister, we're two of a kind,
So, sister, I'm keepin' my eye on you

I want to dispel a myth that women can't and don't get along. Ever since I can remember, I have had a wonderful sisterhood with a diverse group of women who have my back, my front and everything in between. I know I have been fortunate to have so many supportive women in my life. You wanna meet them? Start some mess with me and and what feels like a nation of strong women will begin braiding their hair, vaselining their faces and removing their earrings to settle a score with someone/anyone who has done me wrong. Why, you ask? Well, because I am one of their own. And they know it's reciprocal...I will do and have done it for them.

I love all my sisters even when we don't see to eye to eye. Who wants to hang with sheep? I love differences of opinions because that means that we all have pulses. See, I run with a crew of battle ready, intellectually armed, community minded, supersistas. Women who have their stuff to-gethuh (insert cool '70's posturing). And even when they struggle or flounder or stumble...they know enough to reach out to one of their own to be the hand they fan with, the leg they stand on, the shoulder they lean on. Because supersistas recognize that having the whole world in your hands can be hard and sometimes, you need someone who speaks your language to help you out (Insert sister signals).

Yeah, I have a husband, a great one in fact, but let me tell you, baaaaaaaaaby, ain't nothin' like your true blue, bonafide, sister crew. I mean, if you have a good crew because there is nothing like the connection between women who know. Women who are fierce, dynamic, kind, nurturing, informed, engaging, intelligent...women who are women.

Recently my husband, my children and I drove over 800 miles so that I could see a friend I hadn't seen in 15 years. Why? Because I wanted to see her, needed to see her. There wasn't anything wrong with her or our relationship. Although we had remained connected, we hadn't seen each other in a long time. And I wanted to change that. I needed to change that. Why? Because I wanted to see her, needed to see her. And so I did. And we fell right back in step...we joked, we teased, we reminisced, we laughed and we connected like no time had elapsed since our last face to face visit. You know why? Because we are supersistas.

So let me give a public shout out to my supergirl crew who sustains me in every moment of my existence. To the biological ones (sisters and sistercousins) who share my DNA--thank you. To the ones I grew up with who still remain my friends--thank you. To the ones I met in high school--thank you. To the ones I met at work or in college--thank you. To the ones I met through my children, for my children or dealing with some children--thank you. To the ones who listen to my rants, laugh at my jokes, fuel my dreams, encourage my ambitions, extinguish my doubts, analyze my fear, recognize my worth, cherish my love--thank you, thank you, and a million times--THANK YOU! I love you more than words can express and I love you more than you will ever know.

Miss Celie's Blues


  1. * TEARS * Rock on my Supersista. I love you and thank God for allowing us to reconnect. Strong Black women bonding is such a wonderful thing. It feels wonderful to hear another Sister say " I got you" and to know that she really has you. I thank you as well.

  2. Wow, just beautiful. I too reconnected with my friend after 13 years. As women we sure do need one another and I hope & wish all women can read this blog. I'm saving my pennies so I can help my friend to come & visit me from South Africa. Thanks for sharing.


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