Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gratitude is the Right Attitude

How many of us say, "Thank you?" I don't mean just when someone gives you change at the grocery store or gives you a gift. I'm serious. How many of us express our gratitude on a consistent basis for things like being a good friend or a good listener? The old folks have a saying that one should "give me my roses while I'm alive." What that means is that we should tell folks all of the positive things we feel about them when they are alive to enjoy them. I mean a funeral eulogy is great, but that is really for everyone else (because um, well, you can't hear them). "Give me my roses while I'm alive."

I believe that we should express our gratitude loudly and often. For real. We get so consumed with the negativity and craziness of our daily lives and we sometimes forget to say "thank you." Seriously. Some of you might be shaking your heads and are wondering if I'm crazy or not. Well, the truth is is that I might be crazy, but I'm never ungrateful. For instance, today I asked folks to like my page on FB and they did. Thank you!!! I'm not feeling well and my grandma came over and did what she does everyday--love me up. Thank you!! Today, I was able to get out of bed, albeit shakily, and put my feet on the floor. Thank you!!

I'm writing this post out of my own need to look at the brighter side. I have been having a rough week and I have found out that some folks I liked a whole lot were shady. So I was feeling sorry for myself for a moment and then one of my kids walked past and gave me a hug. For no reason at. all. And then that same kid said, "Thank you for being a great mom!!" And then walked out of the room. Thank me? No, thank you, you grateful kid!! Thank you, indeed!! Those spoken words of gratitude reignited my spirit and pulled me out of my slump of self-pity. I could remember my worth because I had just been told I was important and that someone appreciated me. Thank you.

So here are my thank yous: Thank you to my family and friends for everything you do to keep me intact, especially my husband, our kids and my grandma. Thank you to all of the people who love me and sustain me in my daily journey. Thank you to my true blue bonafide grown up girlpie crew. Thank you to all of you who have supported my growth and development. Thank you to those of you who have my back and take up for me when I'm too tired to fight. Thank you to the ones who push me to write more, read more, teach more, laugh more, do more, etc...Thank you to everyone who contributes anything artistic to the world because it inspires me as I enjoy it. Thank you to anyone who champions the causes of those who can't advocate for themselves. Thank you to anyone who is trying to make this world a better place and believes that people are worth saving. Thank you for being you and for reading this and for anything, everything that you do to add to the life of someone else. A million times--THANK YOU!!!

India Arie "Little Things"

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