Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Flirt: Femininity

Recently, my husband told me that he loves the way I carry myself and how I'm so feminine. Not that he hasn't said it before, but something about the way that he said feminine resonated differently. In a good way. I love being called feminine as much as I love being acknowledged as being smart. Sometimes, women might look at being feminine as a negative or as a euphemism for being weak. But, I recognize that the strength of some women is uniquely feminine.

I love painted nails, fragranced lotions, pretty underwear, pointy heels and all things makeup. However, I know that costuming and dress up don't necessary define femininity. I feel just as feminine fresh out of tub in a t-shirt, no makeup and sweatpants. Because, you see, I'm feminine on the inside to my marrow and that just enhances the external appeal.

Can you be a sports loving mama and be feminine? Absolutely. Can you be a machine gun toting sister soldier and be feminine? Without a doubt. It's in the way that you carry yourself, the indescribable something that makes people stop and take stock of you and your actions. Your throaty laugh, the way you curl your hair around a finger, your signature perfume, the way your hips move when you dance, the way you walk, the way you talk...basically, the way you do the things you do.

So ladies, celebrate your femininity; take stock of all of your appealing characteristics and showcase them. Never let anyone make you feel as if you are not strong because you are feminine or that you can't be considered intelligent. Femininity is not about too tight clothing, garish makeup or spilling over breasts. Femininity is understated, yet obvious; indescribable, yet tangible. Femininity is ... you.

"Femininity" by Eric Benét


  1. I share your perspective. Great post!

  2. I appreciate your kind words. I just checked out your blog and I can see what we have in common :-) Have a great day.


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