Q: What is Soulstainable Living?
A: In these economically and environmentally challenging times, we are all encouraged to practice sustainable living so we can reduce our harmful effects on the environment. Well, Soulstainable Living embodies that same philosophy but focuses more on people. Being your best self, living your most authentic life so you can reduce the toxins that you deposit on your soul--that's Soulstainable Living. Soulstainable Living is a movement that is coming to a city near you. I hope you will join me in my quest to spread the philosophy of living well and loving well.

Q: Who are you?
A: Read the Yours Truly section, but a quick answer is that I am a dynamic being who is trying to live my life doing well and doing good.

Q:What motivates you?
A: Everything!! I don't say that to be cute. But I am one of the Universe's children and I move in sync with the elements. I am inspired by the way the wind moves, the way hopes floats and the way that we are.